The Importance of PFT with DLCO: Comprehensive Lung Function Testing in Mumbai

Pulmonary function testing (PFT) with Diffusion Capacity of the Lung for Carbon Monoxide (DLCO) is a crucial diagnostic tool used by pulmonologists to assess Lung Function Testing in Mumbai and diagnose various respiratory conditions. At Dr. Parthiv Shah’s clinic in Mumbai, we provide state-of-the-art PFT testing, including DLCO, to ensure accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plans for our patients. 

What is PFT with DLCO?

Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT) is a broad term for tests that measure how well your lungs are working. These tests evaluate various aspects of lung function, including the volume of air you can inhale and exhale, the speed of exhalation, and how well your lungs deliver oxygen to your blood.

DLCO (Diffusion Capacity of the Lung for Carbon Monoxide) is a specific measurement within the PFT that assesses how well the lungs can transfer gas from the air sacs into the bloodstream. It is an essential test for diagnosing and monitoring diseases that affect the lung’s ability to transfer gases.

Uses and Importance of PFT with DLCO

1- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): PFT helps in evaluating the extent of airflow obstruction.

Diagnosing Lung Diseases

PFT with DLCO is instrumental in diagnosing various lung diseases, including:

2- Pulmonary Fibrosis: DLCO is particularly useful in assessing the gas exchange abnormalities in interstitial lung diseases.

3- Asthma: PFT can diagnose and monitor the severity of asthma.

4- Pulmonary Hypertension: Reduced DLCO values can indicate the presence of pulmonary hypertension.

5- Emphysema: PFT helps in determining the loss of lung function associated with emphysema.

Monitoring Disease Progression and Treatment Efficacy

By regularly performing PFT with DLCO, pulmonologists can monitor the progression of lung diseases and the effectiveness of treatments. Changes in DLCO values over time can indicate whether a patient’s condition is improving or deteriorating.

Evaluating Symptoms and Preoperative Assessment

Patients presenting with unexplained respiratory symptoms such as chronic cough, shortness of breath, or wheezing can benefit from PFT with DLCO. Additionally, these tests are often part of the preoperative assessment for patients undergoing major surgery to evaluate their lung function.

How is PFT with DLCO Performed?

The Procedure

1- Preparation: The patient may be asked to avoid smoking and heavy meals before the test. Comfortable clothing is recommended.

2- Spirometry: The patient breathes into a mouthpiece connected to a spirometer, which measures the amount and speed of air inhaled and exhaled.

3- DLCO Test: The patient inhales a small, harmless amount of carbon monoxide and holds their breath for a short period. The amount of gas exhaled is measured to determine how well the lungs transfer gas to the bloodstream.

Duration and Safety

The entire PFT with DLCO procedure typically takes about 45 minutes to an hour. It is a safe and non-invasive test, with no significant risks involved. Patients may experience slight discomfort or dizziness during the test, but these sensations are temporary.

Availability and Cost

PFT with DLCO is a specialized test available at only a few centers in Mumbai, including Dr. Parthiv Shah’s clinic. The cost of the test can vary, so it is advisable to contact the clinic directly for accurate pricing information.

Diseases Diagnosed by PFT with DLCO

1- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): PFT helps determine the extent of airflow limitation, while DLCO can assess the gas exchange efficiency.

2- Pulmonary Fibrosis: DLCO is crucial in diagnosing and monitoring this condition as it directly measures the lung’s ability to transfer gases.

3- Asthma: PFT identifies reversible airway obstruction, helping to diagnose and manage asthma.

4- Pulmonary Hypertension: A low DLCO value can indicate pulmonary hypertension, prompting further investigation and management.

5- Emphysema: PFT assesses the loss of elastic recoil in the lungs, while DLCO measures the extent of damage to the alveoli.

Easyone pro complete PFT testing machine

Understanding DLCO Values

  • Normal Values: A DLCO value within the normal range indicates efficient gas exchange in the lungs.
  • Decreased DLCO: A lower than normal DLCO value can signify diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis, emphysema, or pulmonary hypertension. It indicates impaired gas exchange.
  • Increased DLCO: Although rare, an increased DLCO value can occur in conditions like polycythemia or alveolar hemorrhage.

Monitoring Progression and Recovery

1- Improvement: An increase in DLCO values over time can indicate recovery or effective management of the underlying condition.

2- Deterioration: A decrease in DLCO values suggests worsening of the disease or ineffective treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the purpose of PFT testing in Mumbai?

PFT testing helps diagnose, monitor, and manage various lung diseases, ensuring effective treatment and improved quality of life.

2. How long does a PFT with DLCO test take?

The entire procedure typically takes about 45 minutes to an hour.

3. Is PFT with DLCO safe?

Yes, PFT with DLCO is a safe and non-invasive test with no significant risks involved.

4. How often should I undergo PFT testing?

The frequency of PFT testing depends on your specific condition and your pulmonologist’s recommendations. Regular monitoring helps track disease progression and treatment effectiveness.

5. How much does PFT with DLCO cost in Mumbai?

The cost can vary, so it’s best to contact the clinic directly for accurate pricing information.

6. Where can I get PFT with DLCO testing in Mumbai?

Dr. Parthiv Shah’s clinic is one of the few centers in Mumbai offering comprehensive PFT with DLCO testing.

7. What conditions can be diagnosed with PFT with DLCO?

Conditions such as COPD, pulmonary fibrosis, asthma, pulmonary hypertension, and emphysema can be diagnosed with PFT with DLCO.

8. What do decreased DLCO values indicate?

Decreased DLCO values suggest impaired gas exchange, often associated with diseases like pulmonary fibrosis, emphysema, or pulmonary hypertension.

9. Can I eat before the PFT with DLCO test?

It is generally recommended to avoid heavy meals before the test. Your doctor will provide specific instructions based on your health condition.

10. How should I prepare for a PFT with DLCO test?

Avoid smoking and wearing tight clothing, and follow any additional instructions provided by your doctor.

PFT with DLCO is an essential diagnostic tool that provides valuable insights into lung function and helps diagnose and manage various respiratory conditions. At Dr. Parthiv Shah’s clinic in Mumbai, we offer comprehensive PFT testing with DLCO, ensuring accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plans for our patients.

If you’re experiencing respiratory symptoms or need a detailed assessment of your lung health, contact us today on +91 9029772904 to schedule your PFT testing in Mumbai. Let us help you breathe easier and live healthier.